Where do we begin? There is so much to say about Drip and Culture in Waukegan, that this is going to be a two-part post! When you first walk into Drip and Culture, you are walking into a piece of history, a really cool piece of history. It is Nydia’s family grocery store, complete with an awesome taqueria (more about that later)! Nydia and her husband, Adam took it over earlier this year and added Drip and Culture to create a space where community and culture could thrive. This husband and wife team are both powerhouses of artistic talent, care for their community, love, social justice, and hospitality!

Community Meets Culture
Every square inch of this space is eye-catching and inspiring! It’s a space where you can read, talk, listen, study, and learn. It is filled with color and culture, Nydia’s art is gracefully displayed throughout the space bringing life, love, and family to every corner. Before you reach the counter you can fit yourself with a variety of artistic, well-made t-shirts, buy gorgeous stickers (created by Nydia herself), art prints, cards, and bags of coffee that you could literally buy for the label they are so cool!

Coffee Time
Ok, we have not even talked about the coffee yet! Typically, we get regular coffee on such an outing, but when you see a section of the menu titled. “Oh You Fancy” we were not about to order from any other menu! Welcome to our lives, Horchata Macchiato and Ube Oat Milk Macchiato! Let’s take a moment, shall we. Since we left we have been craving more! They are the kind of drinks you sip down in 30 seconds because they are so good, but wish they lasted 30 minutes because they are so good!

They have an amazing brand and an exceptional sticker game, being from Waukegan it gets Marc a little emotional! One of the stickers says “Waukegan Should Be Dope”, yes it should and Drip and Cuture is an immeasurable piece to making this happen!
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